Welcome to With-LawGuide
The 8 sections listed below are part of the game book itself. When you select any of the 8, you will be taken to a locked page that gives the start of the game. In order to proceed further, you must have the PDF version of the With-LawGuide available. Please click on the last section from the drop-down for this guide, to access the PDF. If you have any questions, please contact us through the communication channels available on the website.
About the book-game
“With-LawGuide” is a project financed under the “Socially Engaged Arts” programme of the National Fund for Culture and is the first in Bulgaria interactive book – game with an educational character, which aims to acquaint young people in the age group 14 – 22 with their basic rights and freedoms as citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria. It is an opportunity to present to the young people their fundamental rights and freedoms.
Through non-formal learning methods, the game includes various online and offline methods such as: puzzles, individual and group work tasks, demonstrations, brainstorming, and simulations, as well as information videos with graphic facilitation have been developed to make young people more familiar with their social, economic, civil and political rights.
The development of the book-game is based on various educational, cognitive, psychological and social theories such as: the multiple intelligences theory of Howard Gardner, Kolb’s experiential learning theory; Bandura’s theory of communication through non-violent communication (NVC) combined with aspects of positive psychology; Steve Pavlina’s theory of aligning personal values with our goals, and the concept of civic and global education.
1. With regard to educational problems and opportunities:
1.1. Investing in quality and inclusive education (formal and non-formal) – a variety of formal and non-formal approaches will be embedded in the game to enable a more engaging and participatory educational process;
1.2. Removing economic, geographical and physical barriers to access to the game, as it will be available both online and offline (hybrid form) and distributed free of charge.
1.3. We aim to familiarize players with the methods and actual more significant administrative mechanisms and timeframes that exist by implementing in-game timeframes in which they can perform a particular legal action.
2. In terms of active citizenship, democracy and participation:
2.1. The aim of the game is to create mechanisms to support the full participation of young people, based on the principles of shared governance, including where possible at local and regional level, where policy-making is closest to young people;
2.2 The Game provides opportunities for all young people to come together, associate and express themselves freely, including through e-participation as a complementary tool;
2.3. The creation of the product ensures that young people learn about participation and democracy and experience it in action while they are at school or university; The game removes barriers that limit young people’s democratic participation of young people, for example by reviewing voting systems and inclusiveness where appropriate, and ensuring that everyone enjoys the franchise, whether they simply vote or stand for election.
3. Regarding living together in different societies:
3.1. The Game aims to tackle discrimination, intolerance and exclusion where they exist, using methodologies that enable the participation and inclusion of marginalised youth and by broadening intercultural competences and international understanding among young people;
3.2. The Game encourages and supports young people to participate in building peaceful societies based on diversity, social cohesion, and inclusion, in a spirit of respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding;
3.3. The game seeks to promote peacebuilding and dialogue in conflict and post-conflict regions by using available programs and tools, including mass media, to facilitate the reconstruction of a peaceful environment – this is achieved by setting up plots and roles in the game that allows for freedom of choice and consequently bringing different outcomes into play;
3.4. The game contributes to the effective implementation of Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights – “The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in [the] Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.”